Monday, April 26, 2021

Level 4 Project 2 Elective: Write A Compelling Blog


Purpose: The purpose of this project is to review or introduce the skills needed to write and maintain a blog.

Overview: Post a minimum of eight blog posts in one month. Your blog may be new or one you have already established. You must receive approval from the vice president education to blog on behalf of your club. Deliver a 2- to 3-minute speech at a club meeting about the impact of your blogging experience. You may choose to have your blog evaluated by members of the club.


April 2020: the advent of working from home. All of a sudden, I had so many more hours at hand.
What to do with all that free time?

A very good evening Toastmasters and guests.

"Let me tell you a kutti story" about how my very first blog called Riff-lections came about.
Now I'm usually one to contemplate and ideate a lot more than implement. My sister, an avid blogger, started a 30-day challenge in April 2020.

I thought, this time, let me take action. I was inspired by the theme of her challenge of city connect and chose to do the same. Every day for that month except for Sundays, making it a total of 26 days, for every letter of the alphabet, I'd pick one word starting with that letter and write one post containing an account of what resonated with me in each of the cities I'd been in.

The experience was wonderful because I not only discovered my joy for writing but was also transformed [WOTD] into a new person via my blog posts. I got to reminisce amazing memories I had in each of those cities.

Through this process I had a couple of learnings - first is that consistency is tough, but discipline combined with focused effort pays off in the long run. Secondly, passion combined with execution 
results in a virtuous cycle. If I'm happy with my writing, I become more productive at work. If I'm productive at work, I prepare tasty food; if I eat well, I write well, and so on.

Once I published my first blog post, I tweeted about it and shared it with my friends. Once it started gaining traction, other bloggers visited my site, added a few laudatory comments, and I went on to do the same with their blogs. This act of mutual praise was also a motivator for me to write well.

Overall, looking back now, in 2021, having written over a 125 posts, I have the utmost feeling of gratitude and humility and of course, a keen sense of accomplishment. Though I may not have made a big impact or been able to monetize my blog, I know that the written word [Theme of the day] makes me happy and that's why I do it.

Thank you, over to you TMOD.


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