Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Develop Your Mental Strength


Did you know: You have about 70,000 thoughts every day! Some of those thoughts influence the emotions you have and the choices you make. Since we can't control thoughts that arise, let's instead see how we can mould our responses to those thoughts.

1. Replace "blue" thoughts with "true" ones
When you think, "I'm going to fail," respond with a positive thought of, "I can do my best" or replace "I always mess things up" with one of your past achievements.

2. Switch the channel
Instead of focusing on the problem, start thinking of various solutions on how to fix it. If it's out of your control, why bother worrying about it? There's anyway nothing you can do about it! When you catch yourself going into this worry or anxiety spiral, either switch the channel to an optimistic problem-solving stream or simply distract yourself with some movement - go for a walk, do a chore, work out.

3. Express gratitude
Maintain a gratitude journal before bed. Say out loud what you're thankful for with your family. Think about all the things you have. This will not only help you remain happy but also ward off destructive emotions like self-pity.

4. Ask yourself what you'd say to a trusted friend
"What would I tell my friend who is going through the same situation?" Reflect on the advice you might give them and it'll help you get clarity on what you need to do.

Here are a few signs that indicate you're a mentally strong person:
1. You are not quick to anger
2. You don’t yell because you know that by raising your voice, you’re lowering yourself
3. You are open-minded
4. You refrain from expectations on others
5. You keep things in perspective 
6. You forgive yourself
7. You take negativity with a grain of salt
8. You know that persistence pays off
9. You find solutions to problems and ways around obstacles
10. You do not blame circumstances on external things


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