Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Snippets from a Meditation Course - Week 1


I'd heard of gratitude journal, decision log, and BuJo until now, but TIL about a 'Meditation notebook', where you can record your meditation goals, experiences, and reflections. It's a pretty interesting way to progress through your journey of meditation. I started off by finding even five minutes of sitting in silence as excruciatingly long and having to try to control a gazillion thoughts flashing by a million miles an hour. 

If you think about 'how to meditate', it's a pretty easy recipe: "Be here now." Sit someplace quiet and comfortable, close your eyes and watch your breath. That's it! Only when you actually do it, if you've never done it before, will you know that 300 seconds is a long period of time when you're sitting trying super hard to control your breath. Initially, controlled breathing turned out to be counterproductive as it ended up with me feeling breathless, but gradually, it began to feel more natural. I'm happy to report that I can now comfortably meditate for about fifteen minutes, which is a darned good progress over five minutes. I still have a long way to go but I know I'm getting there and that's motivating.

When you meditate, try to be aware of what you're feeling and once you're done, note in your journal what you felt and how you felt during those few minutes - did you actually feel relaxed? Or since thoughts kept cropping up, you felt angry or agitated? Sometimes you may have even fallen asleep. Jot everything down. In the first week I wrote in the meditation notebook, one of the days I had written down "what a waste of time!" I don't feel that way anymore, thankfully.

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