Saturday, December 25, 2021

Blender Mishap


Many a time, I overestimate the capacity of my small blender. Sometimes, when I'm lazy to choose the bigger blender and end up stuffing ingredients into the smaller one to supposedly 'save time', I end up making a huge mess that takes me much much longer to clean up than if I would've spent just a few seconds longer to bring out the bigger blender.

Every time I tell myself that I wouldn't repeat this catastrophe, I still remain none the wiser. Same goes for boiling milk. I use an induction stove with a timer but still end up with spilt milk and a mess I use up so much energy to clean up that if I've just stood there for a little while, despite setting a time limit.

As humans, we tend to explain our behaviours after it has happened saying 'I anyway wanted this so it's good that it happened' phenomenon. Or at least I do. Since I don't clean my kitchen counter as regularly as I'd like to, which is daily or at least every other day, every time this happens, I tend to attribute it to the fact that it needed cleaning anyway.

Maybe it's a way to look at the bright side, or simply something I cook up to bring me solace. Either way, I just hope I someday learn to avoid spillage, or at least reduce the frequency of it to once or twice a year as opposed to few times a month.

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