Thursday, December 30, 2021

The Two-Hundredth


Yet another pretty eventful year! 

Wondering if things would return to the 'old normal', what with the scares of the Delta and Omicron variants despite two doses of the COVID-19 vaccine. Boldly venturing out to malls multiple times in the latter half of the year, while also taking care to stay safe as much as possible with the use of N95 masks and sanitizers.

Friends getting married, lots of them. Some to new people, some to people known earlier but didn't know were dating. Trying things for the first time, such as driving down from Chennai to Bangalore in six hours and making new dishes but also coming back to old things such as re-visiting The Board Room with different groups of friends.

Teammates leaving the old team, me switching to a new team in a new location, interacting with new kinds of people, trying out different roles, lots of unlearning and re-learning in the past six to eight months. Enjoying the roller coaster ride of ups and downs at work. Decluttering the house - out with the old, in with the new - is yet another mood uplifting joyride.

Looking forward to an even more eventful and exciting 2022. May we all have a better year than 2021 and hope to achieve our goals and dreams.

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