Sunday, April 21, 2024

April 2024 A-Z Challenge: U.S. Travel Chronicles [Snorkeling]


It was our very first experience of doing snorkeling as well as having huge magnificent manta rays swim right underneath us. This was yet another must-do adventure if you ever go to Hawaii.

It was 8PM. They took us out to slightly deeper waters by boat, a short ride. We had to put on snorkeling gear and swim a bit to reach a raft where everyone had to become completely horizontal and stretch out to hold on to the sides of the raft. We then had to put our face in and await until the manta rays swam beneath us, gracing us with their soft gentle touch as they swam by near bright lights, because according to the guide, that's where they swim around for food.

Mastering the snorkeling gear was a little tricky at first and took some getting used to. It snugly fitted to my face, completely disallowing breathing through my nose—a sensation I initially found disconcerting. 

Once I adjusted to the rhythm of breathing solely through my mouth, a world of wonder unfolded beneath the surface. 

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