Monday, April 22, 2024

April 2024 A-Z Challenge: U.S. Travel Chronicles [Tulip Festival]


We drove 90 minutes north of Seattle to the The Skagit Valley, where there was a Tulip Festival, a yearly occurrence. A kaleidoscope of bright colors, this place beckons visitors from across the state to witness this vibrant landscape.

We spent about an hour here, navigating long paths of various colors and sizes of tulips as well as gardens contained sculpted grass and greenery. I recently learnt that this is known as 'Topiary.' 

Visitors like us - it was very crowded even though we were one of the first people there at 9AM - were enamored and enveloped in a sea of blossoms that stretched as far as the eye can see, painting the countryside with shades of red, yellow, pink, white, and purple.

From nature enthusiasts to those in search of different experiences, the Skagit Valley Tulip Festival enthuses one and all, leaving them with awe and wonder and making their long trip worth the drive.

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