Wednesday, April 24, 2024

April 2024 A-Z Challenge: U.S. Travel Chronicles [Valley of Fire State Park]


Our last day in Las Vegas was completely free and so we decided to drive to the Valley of Fire State Park for a day trip. Why is it called so? Because at sunset, it looked like the whole valley was on fire, hence someone traveling through this place in the 1920s gave it this apt name. Pretty much the entire place contains sandstone rocks, which are colored red due to the presence of iron oxide, or rust, in them.

When we went in September, it was quite scorching, and there was a funny-but-serious warning sign we came across within the park - "Heat warning - you might die". Great warning!

This was one of the very first places where my husband took up driving in the US, a pretty good place to hone your skills - an easy, low-speed drive but with challenges like driving on a single, narrow lane with big vehicles coming slightly fast on the opposite side. 

We ended up wrapping up our visit within half a day as it was getting hotter and drier even inside the car, and we headed to the Seven Magic Mountains from there - a queer name, since they were neither mountains nor was there anything magical about them! But there were thankfully 7 of them!

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