Wednesday, April 17, 2024

April 2024 A-Z Challenge: U.S. Travel Chronicles [Orlando]


Orlando's Universal Studios has revamped and expanded a lot since I visited it 15 years ago. Apart from additions like The Wizarding World of Harry Potter which houses the famous Diagon Alley, there was a whole new set of rides and worlds in the adjacent park called Islands of Adventure. Though both parks were at walkable distances, we took the Hogwarts Express to go from one to the other. It was a jolly train ride with immersive narration of the scenes from the first book.

During the first half of our long thrilling day, we prioritized rides from each of our favorite movie franchises and common ones, such as Fast and Furious, Transformers, and MCU. We went to a Horror Make Up comedy show and took pictures of the Jurassic Park props, but didn't go on any of its rides such as the VelociCoaster. We also caught a flash mob outside a restaurant, dancing to fun tunes in vintage British clothing, while we were waiting for our show to begin. 

We dedicated the second half to the Potter world. We visited Hogsmeade, Ollivander's - the Wand Shop - where we purchased souvenirs - a couple of good-quality tall mugs, one for each house we thought we resonated with, which were Gryffindor and Hufflepuff, and wrapped up the day with the Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey, an exhilarating ride!

One of the highlights of our entire day and trip was the Bourne Stuntacular, a show that had us on the edge of our seats from start to end. It was a blend of performers acting live on stage combined with dazzling special effects on a large 3640-sqft LED screen to bring to life some action-packed heart-pounding scenes from the Bourne movie series. 

Overall, a fun-filled day that left us satisfied yet at the same time still wanting more of the adrenaline from the immersive experiences we'd had all day long.

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