Sunday, February 28, 2021

[Pretty Poems] Best Friend


A poem for an old BITS friend I wrote, back in 2013:

I remember when I first met you
It was during the first hour
You were dressed in blue
And looked like a star

Good to have you all along
You always make my day
If asked to dedicate a song
'Count on me' by Bruno Mars, I'd say

I like to listen, you like to speak
What a perfect combination
You look like a geek, I am a geek
Don't mind the revelation

Your poems are wonderful
Composition in two languages is superb
You have inspired me to write a handful
Now it's something I can't curb

You're a great teacher
You enjoy the art as well
You're also a good preacher
So much philosophy, you like to tell

Well, buddy, I guess I've said a lot
The poem's coming to an end
I've given it quite some thought
Take care, best friend!

Saturday, February 27, 2021

[Pretty Poems] Oldies (3/3)


A collection of old poems

Part 3 of 3:


Continued: a few poems I composed for Dad's office magazine, which also featured creative content from other kids such as drawing and story writing.


The sky blinked its eye
Oh goodness! Oh my!

There was a flash of lightning
Means it's gonna start raining

So hold your umbrellas tightly
Don't take this matter lightly

Please do clutch with both hands your umbrella
Else you will face the same fate as Miss Stella

Who did it the other way round
And got a bruise falling on the ground

"Oh, what a nuisance!" her mother said
Oh dear, now she has to be in bed

So friends, let us not be foolish like her
Otherwise, we too would be under the cover

Lost in the Middle East

Lost in the Middle East
Was some kind of beast

He was an ailing tiger
Came from the lands of Niger

Oh, now what should he do?
Without even a sock or shoe

Then he met a camel
Who was munch-munching caramel

At last, he found a companion
Whose name was Marian

She was also lonely
With one doll only

So they had a good time together
The tiger was glad he was lost forever.

Friday, February 26, 2021

[Pretty Poems] Oldies (2/3)


A collection of old poems

Part 2 of 3:


A few poems I composed for Dad's office magazine, which also featured creative content from other kids such as drawing and story writing.

What is Magic?

Magic is all about hiding
Fingering, palming, sliding
You palm your coin
Pieces together, you join
Produce a feather or bunny
I must admit, it's funny

I learnt to do some magic
It was an experience not at all tragic
Oh! This I must say
You must be willing to pay
Mainly to learn the basic needs
But also for your good deeds

Magic is a wonderful art
Not to display on a chart
It's all about skill
I can. I must. I will.
Just don't let the cat out of the bag
Else it'll be useless to brag


When we have our new year
America thinks about the future

When we have our night
They have a lot of light

But we have problems
As we are never chums

'Cause some are terrorists
And some trap us in mists

But my cousin lives there
With all sorts of friendly bears
Hope they all take care!

Thursday, February 25, 2021

[Pretty Poems] Oldies (1/3)


A collection of old poems

Part 1 of 3:


A small tribute to one of my favourite teachers, Miss Harpreet, who taught us English and EVE (Environmental Education) and was also our class teacher:

Harpreet Ma'am
Goes bam, bam, bam
Teaches all us kids
To use our heads

She teaches us English 
Dresses up all stylish
Teaches EVE stuff
Makes our brains puff

Teaches us day and night
Makes us all bright
Thanks to Harpreet Ma'am
Who always goes bam, bam, bam!


A poem I penned on Mothers' Day:

Who is This Mysterious Woman?

This is a poem dedicated to a person
Who plays an important role in my life
She is very special – that is certain
And also my father's wife.

She is filled with patience
And love and affection too
Frequent anger she shuns
Something I too will learn to do.

She is a great teacher
And a great learner as well
She possesses a great feature
Of having versatile qualities, I must tell.

Who is this mysterious woman?
Do you recognise her?
Well, well, she is none other than
My very own mother!

Wednesday, February 24, 2021

[Pretty Poems] Jeopardy


Now welcome the host, Alex Trebek
Podium display check, buzzer check
Three contestants line up, all ready
Come on now, let's play Jeopardy!

We're used to answering questions
Has been that way ever since
Here we're given answers as clues
Your response should be a query, else you lose

Regular clues in Jeopardy, then Double Jeopardy
Daily doubles are hidden so choose cleverly
Contestants stand behind their lectern
In Final Jeopardy you may see the tables turn

Some folks seem to remain unbeaten
Next day's show weclomes the returning champion
Most clues are read out by Alex, some by Sarah and Jimmy too
If Alex can't travel for a video question, he says "Here's Kelly with the clue"

Topics range across history and popular culture
Arts, science, current events and literature
Clues also feature languages and puns
Shared themes are common, wordplay there'll be tons

Merv Griffin's brainchild, 52 years on air
Only a handful are chosen, how do you fare?
I've binge watched the show several times
I'll end the poem 'cause I'm out of rhymes!

Tuesday, February 23, 2021

[Pretty Poems] Gratitude


Gratitude journaling before bedtime is a humbling habit I've been practicing. Wrote a gratitude poem one fine day in January 2021. May we all take time to express gratefulness for all things small and big.

I am grateful for this day
Grateful for this life
It could've been in any other way
Past of future? My internal strife

But I've zero regrets
I look forward to what's in store
Away from complaints and frets
Excited to my very core

Life has its ups and downs
I learn to take it in my stride
Your choice - be all smiles or frowns
Ask your mind, a faithful guide

I wish for nice things
For myself and others
Let's indulge in givings
Like sisters and brothers

I am grateful for my work
My home and my husband too
Responsibilities, I've learned not to shirk
Can't waste time feeling blue

I'm grateful for all that we can afford
Buying things to satisfy a desire
Pray I never get bored
And keep alive every fire

I'm grateful for my health
I love taking care of me
I'm grateful for my amassed wealth
It's true - the best things in life are free!

Monday, February 22, 2021

[Pretty Poems] The Veggie Song


I know sometimes non-vegetarians wonder how many vegetables are even there! Presenting to you the veggie song! I love vegetables a lot but for better rhymes, it may seem as though I'm complaining.

Bottle gourd, snake gourd
Bitter gourd, even ridge gourd
Oh, what a hoard!
I am so bored

Spinach, keerai, palak
Am I out of luck?
No way out, I am stuck
Yucky yuck yuck

How about cabbage
Did you say garbage
What a load of baggage
Nothing to forage

Cauliflower and carrot
Caught in a rut
You're such a nut
No if, no but

Potato and onion - what a combo!
It ain't some mumbo-jumbo
Half-boiled would be a big blow
Good news - it can be rectified though

Asparagus and broccoli
It's time to flee
"They're tasty"- Oh really?
Nothing short of a calamity

Moving on to exotic stuff
Colocasia, pumpkin, yam - enough?
I called your bluff
Eat it, don't you rebuff

Sweet potato and eggplant
Varieties made by your aunt
With the sole purpose to enchant
Avoiding or escaping you shan't

Indian ivy gourd and okra
Magical flavours, abra-cadabra
Scrumptious lunch followed by mocha
Almost done with the veggie quota

Radish versus beetroot
Pungent or a sweet shoot?
Boiled veggies are such a beaut
All aboard the veggie train, toot-toot!

Friday, February 19, 2021

[Pretty Poems] Learn To Learn


Learnt how to learn through a course on Coursera
All thanks to professors Terrence and Barbara
Started out with modes of learning
Focused vs diffused, unlearning and relearning

Deliberate practice to work the brain
Memory is a muscle, let us together train
Similar topics you may chunk
Exams would then be a slam dunk!

Over time our concentration tires
Let's beware of metabolic vampires
Sleep well, things shift to long-term memory
Only then we move from novice to mastery

Working memory is limited with 4 slots
We must learn to connect the dots
Interleaving along with spaced repetition
Against yourself is the sole competition

Transfer learning - something you can try
Similar concepts to other subjects, you must apply
Illusion of learning - don't fall prey
Else later, a heavy price you might pay

Cramming or planning? It's your choice
Whether playing or studying, keep your life in poise
Create mnemonics or use a memory palace
Find ways to remember your Wonderland, Alice!

Build habits via cue, routine, reward, belief
They'll help you heave a sigh of relief
Use the Pomodoro timer, become gritty and witty
In the end, you'll encounter the Law of Serendipity!

Discover joys in consuming knowledge
Doing things the right way can be your pledge
Level up your academic credential
Learning how to learn is indeed essential

Thursday, February 18, 2021

[Pretty Poems] College Days


First year, second year
Start out all naive
Make new friends, shed no tear
Only dance and jive

Third year, time to "up-grade"
Earn some street cred
No longer in anyone's shade
On eggshells, you no longer tread

Studying and learning with more enthu
Gym and table tennis continue in full throttle
Envisioned future earlier, so now deja vu?
It's way better, the genie is still in the bottle

Gotta learn to just focus, concentrate
It’s all gonna be fine
In the mirror, look straight
All you must do is see yourself shine

You’re gonna become stronger
Crack GRE, crack interviews
Some things may take longer
"We got the (will) power”, ain’t no issues!

Keep motivating yourself everyday
No matter who, no matter what
You shan’t go astray
You shall control your mind and thought

Victorious, you will emerge
Happiness, you will bring about
Negative vibes, please purge
4th year coming to an end, over and out.

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

[Pretty Poems] Introduction to Limericks


A limerick is a short 5-line, typically humorous, poem where lines 1, 2 and 5 rhyme and lines 3 and 4 contain a different rhyme. Lines 1, 2, and 5 usually contain 8 or 9 syllables while lines 3 and 4 are shorter, with just 5 or 6 syllables. The limerick often starts with the phrase 'There once was a' or 'There was a...'

Limericks also appear as nursery rhymes. You may be familiar with this:
Hickory, dickory, dock.
The mouse ran up the clock.
The clock struck one,
The mouse ran down,
Hickory, dickory, dock.

Similar to 'haiku day', I penned a few random limericks on a worthwhile Wednesday evening. Enjoy! 

Old lady:
There was an old lady of yore
Talking to her was a big bore
Until she pranced,
Sang and danced
We didn't find her dull anymore!

There once was a shoe
Fully covered in sticky goo
I took it home
Scrubbed till it shone
Until it looked brand new

There was once a girl named Paula
Who was fond of the Australian dollar
So she travelled to Sydney
After donating her kidney
And sought refuge under a Maula!

Girl with a beard:
There once was a girl with a beard
Everyone thought she was weird
She stood proudly
Others laughed loudly
Until a small boy held her hand and cheered

Tuesday, February 16, 2021

[Pretty Poems] The electricity is out


In September of 2019, we were staying in a place called Thoraipakkam. The terrace was magnificent, way better than living in the studio apartment-like house. One day, when the electricity went out at around 3pm, it was too hot and suffocating for me to sit inside the house so I found a place under some shade on the terrace. I took my pen and paper and started jotting down the below poem.

The electricity is out
So I'm sitting on the terrace
All I can is sit and pout
Wishing the sun bore down on me less

I woke up early today
Thinking I'd accomplish a lot
Who knew bad luck was heading my way
To throw my fine hours into the trash pot?

Some days are great, others not so much
I try my best on the days I can
C'est la vie, life is such
All I can do then is chalk out a plan!

Oh, our dependency on electricity!
Phones, laptops, anything that can be charged
What a shame, what a pity
A new generation of people have emerged

How'd I know if power is back?
I won't unless I go down
Hoping I can make up for the lack
Of work time, donning a frown

I shall go try my luck
So, farewell for now
Truly long to be unstuck
Adios, buh-bye, ciao!

Monday, February 15, 2021

[Pretty Poems] The itch of the mosquito bite


In India, especially in hot places like Chennai, mosquitoes are a perpetual problem. Just a couple of weeks ago, I wrote a post on how mosquitoes make me angry. This time around, I wrote a poem that describes what all I've tried to evade these pests.

A mosquito sat on my elbow
I swat it, but it just won't go
The swelling continues to grow
My hand, scratching to and fro

The itch of the mosquito bite
Ever fleeting, ever so slight
Oh how addictive is the itching
Can't keep myself from twitching

The blister, now the size of an eye
The inevitable itchiness, oh my!
Mosquitoes find me tasty, why o why?
None of the repellants work, sigh!

Been there, done that
All Out, Odomos, even the bat
What used to work doesn't now - the hand swat
They're evolving faster than we are, drat!

Hot temperatures, puddles of water
We need measures for mosquito slaughter
We need to do this, we really ought to!
I'm out of options, what do we do!?

Endless will be these mosquito wars
Sadly, they're as old as dinosaurs
Perils of the Lindy effect
Let's rid ourselves of this mosquito sect!

Friday, February 12, 2021

[Pretty Poems] Baby's Day Out


July 18, 2007

Poem 4 of 4:

My baby went out
And she was just about
At the right time, to come in
When she stepped on a pin

She cried and cried
Repeatedly, her tears we dried
Later I asked her about her day
She replied quickly sounding gay

Hence I gave her a toy
Because she did enjoy
It made her glad as she never gets any
But now she knows she'll get many!

Thursday, February 11, 2021

[Pretty Poems] My Doll


July 18, 2007

Poem 3 of 4:

I just love my doll
He's round as a ball
I like him no matter what he is
I come home daily to give him a kiss

Do you know what he is?
Well, let me tell you this
He is a Teddy
But he likes to be called 'Eddy'

All my friends love him
And tickle him under his chin
Thus I consider Eddy the best bear
Who receives good treatment and special care.

Wednesday, February 10, 2021

[Pretty Poems] The Word


July 18, 2007

Poem 2 of 4:

Short version of 'The Word'

As simple as a word
Can be mighty as a sword
Big or small
Short or tall
A word is a word!

We may think it's a silly word
I think it's equivalent to the world
Because it helps you write
Makes your speeches bright
Gives you wings, you'll feel like a bird!

Wrote another 'long version':

My sister always tells me 'I wanna have a word with you'
But she keeps visiting the loo
She repeats it 'I wanna have a word with you'
Till the sun sets and the sky is a pale blue

Then I scream and get angry
People can hear that all the way to Hungary
At least she tells 'it's something'
I couldn't understand a thing!

So she explained again
But missed the main
She tried once more to start
Till Dad called for jam and tart

At midnight she told me
I rubbed my hands together in glee
Because she told me about
A little spider's sprout

You might wonder why I was amused
A spider had abused
Sometime earlier, all of us
We made  ahuge fuss

Ooh! Then we realized why this had started
Just because my sister had parted
With a saint carrying a bottle of paint
He'd told her about a spider in a voice faint

Then I made a movie feeling like a bird
About my curiosity of her word!

Tuesday, February 9, 2021

[Pretty Poems] Let Us Fight


On the day I wrote the poem on Hope in school, I came home and wrote another 4 spontaneous poems on various topics, all under an hour. Posting them one by one.

July 18, 2007
Poem 1 of 4: 

Let us fight
With all our might
But we mustn't get hurt
Else we'll spoil our shirt

Then Mum will scold
And make us feel cold
So better be safe
Rather than trapped in a cave!

Monday, February 8, 2021

[Pretty Poems] It's Haiku Time!


Haiku is a short poem comprising 3 lines, usually three phrases following the syllable pattern of 5-7-5. I had a 'haiku time' with myself wherein I set a 10-minute Pomodoro timer and penned 4 random haikus.

A world of people
And inside each one of us
A world of stories

I write, then edit 
Then edit again and more
First draft lives no more

Twin sister toddlers
Two peas in a pod? No way!
Complete opposites

Chicken or egg?
Chicken or an egg
Which came first? Life-long debate
Does it matter? No.

Friday, February 5, 2021

[Pretty Poems] 2021


Happy 2021 to all! After my new year post, I decided to write a 25-under-25 list of achievements post. After which I was inspired to write a well-wishing poem to welcome the new year despite grave circumstances.
Enjoy and stay safe!

As we say goodbye to 2020
To welcome yet another new year
Are we eager or are we senti?
It seems the feeling is unclear

New type of virus strain
Among the million vaccines
People have endured so much pain
Can't even fathom what it means

As we reflect on the days
For some better, for others, worse
Who cares what anyone says?
Feels like a huge curse

May we all find peace and joy
And put our regret behind us
Look forward to new things ahoy!
Be good, without tantrums and without fuss

I wish you all good luck
Have a great year ahead
And if you ever feel stuck
Remember to smile and be grateful instead :)

Thursday, February 4, 2021

[Pretty Poems] Bad Day


During lockdown, there have been many days where I've planned to make dinner but due to excessive work and/or tiredness, I've resorted to ordering in. I wrote this after I had planned to make chapathis but the initial dough I made turned out to be super sticky. I realized that optimism combined with perseverance is tough to beat :) So I wrote this poem, geared up to make dinner no matter what, and went on to make amazing, soft chapathis with sabzi.

You've had a bad day
You're feelin' super low
And to your dismay
You've made a runny dough

Struggling to cook
Struggling to eat
Oh look-y look
You seem so beat!

You put on your hat
You put on a smile
You say that's that
And go walk a mile

You're back home now
You seem mostly glad
After sweatin' a brow
You're no longer mad

You're all ready with dinner
You've made your bread
You feel like a winner
You eat and go to bed!

Wednesday, February 3, 2021

[Pretty Poems] Hope


I wrote this poem in school back in 2007, when we were allotted 15 minutes to write a poem on any topic. I chose hope back in 7th grade. I enjoy writing poems more in ABAB style over AABB. Makes it more fun to recite. Enjoy!

Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Introduction to Blog Challenge #5: Pretty Poems


Welcome to Blog Challenge #5. I love challenges, they are so fun!

Blog Challenge #5:
Feb '21 Challenge: Pretty Poems

I'd like to share all the poems I've written over the years - even those when I was as young as 10 years old. Through this challenge, I hope to rekindle my right brain and discover the evolution of my poem-writing ability. Who knows, it may get me to write more poems over the year 🙂

Welcome to the world of poetry
Where I attempt to dazzle and amaze
Going on a rhyming spree
Entering into perhaps a new phase