Tuesday, May 5, 2020

May A-Z Challenge: A Pair of Favourite English Words [A]

Blog entry #29 

Ablutions | Ambidextrous

This is certainly a fun word to say! When the other person says it, you immediately want to go: "A blue what?" I’ve always come across this word in the phrase "sacred ablutions", as in the holy ritual of washing a ceremonial container or oneself. I think sometimes words are just created euphemistically. Who would like to read something like: "This deity was washed from head to toe" or "we scrubbed ourselves after the ceremony"? Ablutions seem so sophisticated. So will some other words, when you see them in the later posts.

This has been a fascinating word for me since the age of five, when Dad first introduced it to me. Being one of the few lefties in the family, I was always curious to see what it would be like for everyone else to do things with their right hands with ease. Starting with writing, scribbling at first, slowly getting better, to stirring dishes in the kitchen, to naturally favouring my right hand for general things like picking stuff up, ambidexterity was one of the things I wanted to master. I may not be equally deft in writing with both hands, but I hope to get there soon by constantly trying. Practice makes better, if not perfect.

Image courtesy: Google ©


  1. Wow your are head on with the 2nd self made challenge. Too good.
    Ambidextrous in also known as Sabyasachi (Sanskrit I think)

    1. Thanks Vyo! Yes that's right, there's also a Telugu movie of the same name that refers to the pseudo-ambidextrous nature of the protagonist.
